ERA-EDTA padėka

ERA-EDTA padėka

Parašė: : data: : 2017 liepos 3 komentarai : (Komentavimas išjungtas įraše ERA-EDTA padėka)

Mieli LNDTA nariai,

Dalinamės su Jumis ERA-EDTA padėka LNDTA ir asociacijos prezidentei už bendradarbiavimą.

Dear Prof. Bumblyte,

We would like to thank you very much, as the President of your National Society for the support and collaboration that your esteemed Society has given ERA-EDTA during our terms as Officers.

It has been a pleasure to work with you for this important collaboration between our Societies.

We take this opportunity to also present the new ERA-EDTA President, Prof. Carmine Zoccali, and ERA-EDTA Secretary-Treasurer, Prof. Ivan Rychlik.

We wish a fruitful continuation of the collaboration between our Societies in the future.

Very best wishes.

Prof. Andrzej Wiecek
former ERA-EDTA President
Prof. Jonathan Fox
former ERA-EDTA Secretary-Treasurer



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