
Prašymas dalyvauti apklausoje

Parašė: : data: : 2017 gruodžio 7 komentarai : (Komentavimas išjungtas įraše Prašymas dalyvauti apklausoje)

Mieli LNDTA nariai,

Dalinamės The Bicarbonate Study Group prašymu dalyvauti anoniminėje apklausoje:

Metabolic acidosis is common in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and is associated with serious complications and mortality. Guidelines recommend serum bicarbonate levels measurement and oral supplementation if needed in CKD patients; However it seems that practices are varying across different countries.

We are performing a survey in Europe and nearby countries to evaluate if and how often practitioners are measuring bicarbonate levels in CKD patients and if they use oral bicarbonate supplementation to correct metabolic acidosis.

All  Lithuanian Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Association (LNDTA) members can complete the questionnaire by clicking or they can copy and paste the link in their browser. It is ANONYMOUS and will not take more than 2-3 minutes!

The Bicarbonate Study Group



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Lietuvos nefrologijos, dializės ir transplantacijos asociacija