Kviečiame dalyvauti ERA-EDTA organizuojamuose Jaunųjų nefrologų kursuose, tema “Nėštumas ir inkstų ligos”, kurie vyks Lisabonoje (Portugalijoje), rugsėjo 22-23 d. Daugiau informacijos apie kursus ir registraciją galite rasti oficialiame tinklapyje.
ERA-EDTA Young Nephrologists Platform’s CME Pregnancy and Kidney Disease Course will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 22-23 September. The course is accredited with 10 European CME credits from UEMS, and some of the leading experts on the theme will be participating in this course. The online registrations are open, and you can find further information on the Course website.
Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the Travel Grants offered by ERA-EDTA to young nephrologists that are 40 years old or younger.